Join Scentsy | Share Products With Friends
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I hear this a lot...."I want to join Scentsy, but I'm not a salesperson"
Oh okay...
1. You shared a Coke can with your name on it that caused everyone to look for a Coke with their name on it.
2. You posted a picture of a delicious meal item from a restaurant that caused all of your friends to go try it for themselves.
3. You shared the latest book that you read that caused all of your friends to download it or rush to their local book store.
4. You went to see a movie and loved it so much you shared it with your friends and that caused them to take their entire family to see it.
5. You received a great deal at a local store...a cheap discount. You couldn't wait to share it with your friends so they too could take advantage of the savings.
6. You got your hair done and loved it so much that you posted about how much you loved it and everyone asked who you went to and what you got done so they can get the same.
The only difference is...
You didn't get paid for those referrals?
Coca cola did ?
The restaurant did ?
The bookstore did ?
The Cinema did ?
The local store did ?
The hairdresser did ?
How about sharing an amazing product you will love that is changing lives around the globe?
"Not a salesperson?" I said the same thing!! Who doesn't love going overseas..FOR FREE...every year ??
For your chance Enrol now!!
Contact me now to discuss joining Scentsy as a consultant OR enrol now.
*When you are asked for your tax ID please use either you national insurance number or your passport number.
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